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'Tackling A Literary Memoir Frontier Yet to Be Explored'
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Yeah, That Was Stupid
A Memoir of Disaster, Comebacks and Forging a New Path
It's a huge claim to make... But, "what if?" What if everything seemed too hard, too difficult to overcome and giving up seemed like the best option? The memoir of "Yeah, That Was Stupid," deeply pulls you into the first person point of view. Take a seat and experience a first-hand account of death, revival and aftermath after giving up. A Gritty, detailed, serious, yet humorous journey will take you through ups, downs, recovery and ultimately, hope and redemption...
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About Jacques Poirier
With a Passion for reading and a history of out-of-this world experiences, Jacques developed a deep rooted love and passion for writing. A Bachelors in International Studies from Indiana University and a love for various cultures drove Jacques to become an excellent writer and to deeply explore other perspectives. Pushing the edge with sports such as skiing, skydiving and paragliding created an aspiringly unique take on life. He approaches life from a different point of view: From one of having experienced death several times. He values life beyond measure and aspires to benefit others with his journey of physical and spiritual transformation.